Turf WOD Replacing Advanced WOD on Saturday

Posted January 21, 2016

burke action b:w mad_5777

Starting January 30th, the Saturday 11:15 am Advanced WOD will be replaced with a Turf WOD!! This class will be open to all CrossFit (Premium) members, regardless of experience.

The CrossFit classes rarely get to do any turf work unless they take an occasional RivFit class. We wanted to bring CrossFit over to the turf by making it a permanent Saturday morning class! You’ll get familiar with the equipment/exercises we have available, like sleds, battle ropes, and farmer’s carries. Also, we are going to incorporate agility work, sprints, and other conditioning pieces to make you a more well-rounded athlete! It is not a Strongman focus, but more of a conditioning focus using that equipment, e.g. lighter/fast sled pushes vs. heavy sled pushes. The turf movements could be part of the strength/skill or could be incorporated into the entire WOD!

Get ready to get mobile, agile, and hostile!!

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